88rising, the pioneering and internationally-renowned music and media company globally amplifying Asian talent and culture,…
Today, WE BRIDGE Music Festival & Expo, the three-day convention and two-day music festival celebrating…
Following his Los Angeles and San Jose shows, Dean came to San Francisco’s Origin SF…
Exclusive photos from DEAN'S 'CONFIDENTIAL' concert in San Francisco, CA on February 23 at Origin SF.…
Can’t make it to LA? DEAN will be heading up to NorCal for two shows!…
R&B artist DEAN will be performing at IdentityLA: Moving Castle Nights on February 17. The…
Kpopconcerts.com's exclusive photos of SAAY, Rad Museum, and Dean from the annual LA Korean Festival…
Following his phenomenal stage at this year’s 2016 Mnet Asian Music Awards, Korea’s “R&B…
Highlight medley from DEAN's performance at the SPAM N EGGS event at Club Bound in…
On June 2, 2016, fans were waiting in line hours before opening time outside of…