Airport is invaded as Psy returns to South Korea

As you may know, Psy has been harboring in the U.S and  expanding himself to the U.S. entertainment industry, but as of September 25,2012 at 4:20 AM, he returned to South Korea.

He traveled through Incheon National Airport, and upon his arrival, a group consisting paparazzi and fans, approximately 100, greeted Psy. “‘I know it’s really early in the morning. Thank you all for coming out to greet me. I’ve accomplished much in the past three weeks in the United States. Thank you all for supporting me,’” Psy replied to the attention he received.

Pertaining to Psy’s published music, his popular hit “Gangnam Style” has brought him an enormous amount of success and attention. He reached number one on U.S. iTunes charts, and has even climbed to the top of British iTunes charts. On the Billboard’s Hot Charts, Psy has reached number eleven; this accomplishment gains him a new record for K-pop artists.

He was also featured on several U.S. reality and radio shows and major networks, for instance, iHeartRadio, CNN, and Chelsey Lately. “’To be honest, I was worried about not accomplishing anything in the States, but I’m happy since I think I’ve gotten a lot more out of it than I had originally expected to. I will talk about the details at the press conference,” Psy stated.

At 3:00 PM on September 25, 2012, a press conference was held relating to Psy’s career and future endeavors; which Psy had mentioned would occur.



Source and Image: Lee23j. “Psy Returns to Korea, Immobilizes Airport.” 25 Sept. 2012. Web. 25, Sept. 2012.<>

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