[INTERVIEW] VERIVERY on New Digital Single “O,” Their US Tour, and Sub-Zero MV Shoots

Over the past three years, VERIVERY have carved their place into the world’s music industry with their highly creative concepts, precision dancing, and cohesive musicality. The first Jellyfish Entertainment  boy group to debut since 2012 power group VIXX, DONGHEON, HOYOUNG, MINCHAN, GYEHYEON, YEONHO, YONGSEUNG, and KANGMIN grabbed the opportunity to shine as they steered their industry journey with their own artistic visions from the moment of their 2019 debut. On MAR. 23, 2022 of this year, the septet added digital single album SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 0 : WHO] to their already chock full discography of six mini-albums and two studio albums. A prequel to the two 2021 SERIES ‘O’ releases, it reveals the start of the dark, sexy story centered around this group of young men abandoned by society who try to fill their inner voids with seeds of darkness. The digital release, with groovy R&B title song “O,” and remorseful B-side “Our Spring,” explores yet another facet of the boy group: their sensual bad boy personas.

A fitting follow-up to their first successful U.S. tour at the end of 2021, the boys’ digital single climbed to the tops of 13 iTunes K-Pop charts worldwide, including the U.S. As they sit at the top of charts with over 11 million views of “O” on YouTube, they are primed to drop their next full album SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 3 : WHOLE] on APR. 25, 2022 at 6PM (KST). But before that happens, we sat down with the group to get the inside scoop on SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 0 : WHO], their U.S. tour, and what it’s like to film a music video in freezing temperatures.

KPC: VERIVERY, thank you so much for sitting down with us again! Together we’ve dived into the completion of your FACE it trilogy and the first two installments of your SERIES ‘O’. On March 23, you’ll be releasing SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 0 : WHO]. Could you tell us about this new addition to Series ‘O’?

VRVR: Rather than new content, this album SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 0: WHO] is a prequel of SERIES “O” series. In uncertain times, it is an album about neglected, hurt boys who are in danger.

KPC: Although SERIES ‘O’ is an exploration of darkness, how does SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 0 : WHO]  differentiate itself from the other two parts in the series?

VRVR: As we mentioned earlier, you can meet an expanded worldview since it’s a prequel to the last series. Above all, unlike the previous songs that were powerful and charismatic, title song “O” is a groovy R&B dance song where you can see us take on a sexy concept for the first time.

KPC: Outside of music and dance, are there other art forms that you enjoy in your free time?

DONGHEON: I like to go to exhibitions. I can’t go out often these days because of the current situation, but I enjoy visiting exhibitions when I have time.

HOYOUNG: I mainly watch dramas and movies.

MINCHAN: I often edit videos and watch anime a lot.

GYEHYEON: I mostly watch dramas.

YEONHO: I watch a lot of movies and dramas.

YONGSEUNG: I enjoy writing lyrics and walking while listening to music.

KANGMIN: I enjoy watching soccer games with my hyungs.

KPC: Last December, you embarked on your first U.S. tour and overseas performance. How did it feel to headline your first US tour and finally meet your US fans face-to-face?

VRVR: It was a fun time because it had been so long since we went abroad. It was really meaningful to perform for our fans. It was hotter, more thrilling, and more touching than we expected. We hope to tour again one day soon.

KPC: Your US tour across six different cities was an experience that VERRER will never be able to forget. What are some memories from the tour that you will never be able to forget? Will a few of them appear on the VERIVERY 1st U.S. TOUR Documentary Series ‘Let’s Face Who We Are’?

VRVR: Yes!! If not some, then everything will come out. Because it has all of our activities in the United States, you’ll see various aspects of VERIVERY. If you watch the documentary, there will be many things that VERRERs have not seen, not only behind-the-scenes, but off-stage.

[RECAP] VERIVERY Leaves Lasting Impressions at LA Stop of First US Tour

KPC: Is there any food that you got to try on tour that you wish you could introduce back in Korea?

DONGHEON: I recommend Dave’s Hot Chicken.

HOYOUNG: I think American pizza is delicious.

MINCHAN: I recommend Dave’s Hot Chicken!!! Totally, totally delicious!!

GYEHYEON: For me, lasagna. I remember it being very tasty.

YEONHO: I also recommend Dave’s Hot Chicken.

YONGSEUNG: For me, In-N-Out burgers are delicious.

KANGMIN: For me, it’s Dave’s Hot Chicken.

Concert photo of VERIVERY in Los Angeles for their 1st US Tour
Cr. Ericka P.

KPC: You’ve shared that communication with your fans is the most important thing. What was it like to work on SERIES ‘O’ [ROUND 0 : WHO] after finally meeting your international VERRER during your December 2021 U.S. tour?

VRVR: Because we met with our overseas VERRERs personally, we were more passionate about our work. We were motivated to work hard. We worked with the hope that VERRERs will like and be satisfied with this album.

KPC: VERRER have seen how much your concepts have evolved from the bright and fresh concept of “Ring Ring Ring” to your current concept with a lot of sass, sexiness, and charm. How easy was it to transition to this most recent concept? Did it come more naturally to some of you than others?

DONGHEON: I think it was easier to change concepts. Personally, I had more difficulty performing with a smile so I think the current concept was easier to digest. I think GYEHYEON has a chameleon-like charm that fits well with any concept.

HOYOUNG: It was quite difficult for me. I laugh a lot and am comfortable laughing, but it was hard because I had to act emotionally without smiling.

MINCHAN: I think GYEHYEON is the best at pulling off the concept. It’s difficult for me to change concepts.

GYEHYEON: I think KANGMIN pulled off the concept as he became an adult.

YEONHO: It’s our first time trying this concept, so everyone worked really hard. In terms of choreography and acting, we all did a lot of research.

YONGSEUNG: I like this current concept more than the original image, and since I’m good at [this concept], it wasn’t difficult to change images. I think all of our members are like that.

KANGMIN: Even though everything was difficult, this concept was so much fun. I think HOYOUNG suits this concept very well.

KPC: Can you share one of your favorite memories during the creation process behind the new single or MV shoot?

DONGHEON: During the music video shoot, the director himself came out and danced in the dancing scene. It was the last scene and so cold, but seeing the staff and members made us smile and gave us strength. I thought it was very impressive and cool.

HOYOUNG: It’s been a long time since I’ve ridden a bicycle with the other members, but it is an unforgettable memory because the day was so cold.

MINCHAN: We filmed in -14°C (6.8°F), and I remember really enjoying the prepared hot fish cake and so-ddeok-so-ddeok (sausage and ddeok skewers).

GYEHYEON: I remember having a lot of fun while filming the sprinkler explosion scene.

YEONHO: YONGSEUNG and I acted out many situations while writing the lyrics for “Our Spring.” I think that memory is really fun.

YONGSEUNG: I remember when all the members were in front of the heater during a short break because it was so cold when we filmed the music video. We encouraged each other and gave each other strength.

KANGMIN: When we filmed the music video, it was so cold that we all gathered together trembling, but now that I think about it, it’s a memory.

KPC: All seven of you are such a solid team. What is something you admire about each member?

DONGHEON: I think that each members’ strengths come together well to form a team.

HOYOUNG: I really like the members’ positive mindset.

MINCHAN: It seems [they] are constantly working hard to look professional on stage and to create a perfect stage.

GYEHYEON: I respect the warmth of saying thank you for even the smallest considerate things.

YEONHO: I really respect all of our members. Each of us has very different charms and personalities, but I really respect the way we get along and work hard for the team.

YONGSEUNG: [Their] attitude towards the stage. I think the members’ unchanging mindset is something to learn from.

KANGMIN: It seems like all of our members are living good lives. I really respect that and want to learn how to do it.

KPC: Thank you for your time! Do you have any messages that you would like to send to your international fans?

DONGHEON: VERRERs abroad, I hope the day when we can meet again will come soon. Until then, stay healthy and enjoy VERIVERY’s album.

HOYOUNG: Our VERRERs abroad, VERIVERY have returned with a new look, so please give us a lot of love and interest.

MINCHAN: Thank you so much for always supporting us from afar, and I love you! We will be VERIVERY who will repay your love and support with great performances, so please look forward to it.

GYEHYEON: Next time, I will definitely go on stage and make a lot of memories. Don’t be sick and I love you always.

YEONHO: Thank you so much for always supporting us!! I’m happy that I can share my feelings like this! Please show a lot of love for this comeback and title song, “O!” Thank you and I love you.💟

YONGSEUNG: I want to say thank you to the fans abroad who have been waiting for this promotion. We promise that we will always meet you on an exciting stage , including this album. I love you!

KANGMIN: We finally made a comeback after a really long time!! Please look forward to “O” activities a lot. hehe

Thank you to VERIVERY and Jellyfish Entertainment for another wonderful interview opportunity!

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