Big Bang’s Seungri was involved in a minor car collision in Shanghai over night.
The incident is reported to have happened on December 23 at 11pm as he was driving in convoy. Seungri was being followed by his staff’s van and a van rented by sasaeng fans collided with the staff van pushing it forward into the vehicle Seungri was in.
Enews was told by a representative of YG Entertainment, “Yesterday, Seungri got into a traffic accident in China A fan chasing him hit the staff van, and Seungri whose van was in front of them, got hit as a result Fortunately, the accident was not a serious one and he was not injured” and said, “After the incident we were contacted by the Chinese police, asking what action should be taken We asked them to treat the fan leniently.”
Seungri tweeted on December 24, “Last night small accident wasn’t anyone’s fault. Me? Totally fine and thankfully no one got hurt! Please enjoy your holidays and merry XMAS!”
Seungri is reported to be fine and will continue with his current schedule.
I don’t get why people say xmas if you don’t believe in it dont celebrate it and for people who do celebrate Christmas I think its kinda of rude no body ever try to change the name of no other people’s religious holidays.