On August 11, seven stars lit up Racket NYC in Manhattan – but they weren’t in the sky. The shining stars were a group of rag-tag boys known as EVNNE, or “Evening’s Newest Etoiles,” consisting of members Keita, Park Hanbin, Lee Jeonghyeon, Yoo Seungeon, Ji Yunseo, Mun Junghyun, and Park Jihoo. The project group of fan-favorite contestants of Mnet’s hit survival show “Boys Planet” made their debut in September 2023 with their first mini-album Target: ME, and have recently come out with their third EP RIDE or DIE.
The group recently commenced the EVNNE SHOW[K]ASE TOUR IN AMERICAS ‘RIDE WITH EVNNE,’ where they were able to meet their North and South American fans, known as ENNVE for the very first time. Fans flooded the streets of the bustling Chelsea neighborhood in excitement for the show as passers-by continuously asked what the long lines were for and who was performing that night.

Anticipation was palpable as ENNVE began filing into the venue. Fans chattered amongst themselves until finally, the lights went dark, elated cheers instantly replacing conversations. The night officially began as a VCR displayed on the screen introducing each member, the crowd erupting into screams as each one popped up. Finally, it was time for the moment fans had been waiting for. Bright stage lights faded in, washing the members in a cool glow as the beginning bass of their debut track “Trouble” blasted from the speakers.
Fans screamed along as Keita recited his iconic opening lines while the members danced against the multicolor neon backdrop. Vibrant lights in hues of purple and blue lit up the stage against the song’s barreling Baltimore/Jersey club beat, enhancing the energy of the crowd. Clad in various team jerseys and baggy jeans, the members exhibited their monster performance skills and dynamic stage presence, engaging the crowd. As the beat dropped into the chorus, fans hyped up the members with chants of “AYY! AYY! AYY!” The high-energy performance brought just the right amount of heat to kick off the night.
The group then transitioned to the next song, “K.O. (Keep On),” which contains elements of drum and bass and Jersey club. Reminiscent of a Mario Kart backtrack, “K.O.” was another vibrant song accompanied by colorful lights and bouncy choreography that put the group’s dance skills on display.

After catching their breath, the members took the time to individually introduce themselves to thunderous screams from the crowd.
“We’re making such amazing memories in New York and I hope you fans make a lot of great memories tonight at our concert!” Yunseo declared.
To introduce the next song, Jeonghyeon hinted, “The lyrics are what we want to say to you guys, ENNVEs!”
The members then got into their sitting positions on the stage floor as the cutesy intro to “I <3 U (I love U)” began. The whimsical choreography filled with adorable floor work, endearing aegyo, and various forms of hand hearts had the audience screaming in cuteness aggression with every sweet expression thrown towards them.

Following the bubbly love song, the group went into “Boom Bari,” another darling track about creating your own universe with your lover. With no choreography for the song, EVNNE took the time to interact with fans and dance around goofily on stage. At one point, members took turns doing a silly dance move which the other members would then copy.
The concert then took a unique turn as the group went into a Q&A session. Fans waiting in line throughout the day were given the opportunity to prepare written questions on sticky notes for the members to answer. Keita, the leader of EVNNE, kicked off the session by answering, “Can you sing a song you have written or your favorite song you have written?” Fans were then treated to a short acapella snippet of one of Keita’s unreleased original songs, “Shadow,” which was met cheers from the crowd and encouragement from the other members.

Some other questions allowed the members to do short dance covers of songs such as “Walk” by NCT 127 and “Supernova” by aespa. They also taught one lucky ENNVE in the crowd the choreography to “Trouble.” Seungeon, the main vocalist of the group, also entertained fans with a short cover of “Dangerously” by Charlie Puth, showing off his impressive vocal prowess. The rendition was not only popular with fans but also with the members – after Seungeon’s performance, Yunseo pointed at Seungeon and declared, “This is my friend, PERIOD!” The sassy phrase then became a running joke throughout the night, as Yunseo and fans alike continuously shouted “period!” between questions and songs.
The portion of the concert was a refreshing change of pace that allowed each member to interact with fans in an intimate setting, as well as highlight each of their individual talents.

Getting back on track, the group then got ready to perform “SYRUP” from their second mini-album Un:Seen, which Keita, Jeonghyeon, and Yunseo have writing credits on. Hanbin particularly stood out in this performance as he delivered the melodic bridge of the track. The 90s hip-hop-inspired track and fan-favorite “Role Model” came next, along with its intense choreography that highlighted the members’ synchronicity.
While EVNNE was given a chance to rest and change their outfits, an endearing interview-style VCR played as fans waited. In the video, members showed off their hidden “useless” talents and answered random silly questions such as who would be the most likely to fart in an elevator and pretend they didn’t, who is most likely to be told “Okay, boomer” in ten years, and who is most likely to lose an argument with an elementary school student. The hilarious questions and EVNNE’s answers left the audience laughing uncontrollably and allowed a deeper glimpse into the group’s personal dynamics.
Finally, the members reappeared donning their preppy outfits consisting of loose button-downs, soft sweater vests, and prim ties. As the group prepared to perform the English version of their latest title track “Badder Love,” a chill of blue light bathed the members in a frosty glow. While usually one of the powerful rappers of the group, Jeonghyeon opened the song with an opening riff that demonstrated his versatility. The wistful track had ENNVE singing along to every nostalgic lyric.

Next was “Pretty Thing,” a cheeky love song that highlighted the members’ adaptable stage presence as they slid across the stage with smug, confident expressions worn on their faces. They continued the energy with the bouncy track “XO” which put Junghyun’s addictive lower vocal register on display. Fans screamed along for Jihoo’s memorable line, “Come on, just say it / Out loud and mean it!”
“I think you guys have taken all my energy!” Hanbin proclaimed as the members took a water break. He continued, promising, “Please wait for us as we will hopefully return to New York soon. Today was really, truly, very, very fun!”
Seungeon added on, “We will make sure to come to New York so that we can feel this passion once again. You guys are gonna come see us again, right?” he asked, holding a hand to his ear to ensure he heard ENNVE’s resounding approval.
With that, Keita introduced the final song, “Ugly,” the high-energy EDM title track of their second mini-album. This performance spotlighted Seungeon’s incredible vocal ability as he delivered the powerful high note of the song’s bridge. All of the members commanded the stage as they performed the song’s complicated choreography, particularly the main dancer Hanbin who was never caught lacking an intense facial expression or executing the sharpest of moves.
As the stage lights dimmed and the members faded away with the darkness, fans were left wanting more, screaming for an encore and one more song.

Of course, the seven boys delivered as they ran back onto the stage. The encore started off with “Festa,” written by Keita. The members, now wearing their tour merch, pranced around on stage waving their own lightsticks and interacting with the crowd. To close out the song with one final bang, Hanbin took a water bottle and sprayed the crowd, causing the audience to erupt in excited cheers.
The encore continued with the upbeat track “Jukebox,” and encore performances of “Role Model,” and “Trouble.” Before the actual last song, the members took some time to individually address the crowd with words of gratitude and excitement for the future.
“It’s my first time in New York and I think you guys made this night unforgettable for me,” Keita exclaimed with a smile on his face.
“I’ve only seen New York through the internet, but I had a really great time here,” Junghyun added. “And we’re able to receive so much energy because you guys passionately cheer for us. Thank you so much for being with us tonight and please continue to support us!”
EVNNE ended the night with the heartfelt ballad dedicated to ENNVE, “Even More.” Throughout the song, the members took moments to absorb the energy and love felt in the crowd. “Let me be your star,” they crooned, hands held to their hearts as they were overcome with emotion.
As the song came to a close, the boys took the time to say their last goodbyes to fans on each side of the stage. Venue staff graciously lit up the crowd with the stage lights, allowing the members to see just how packed the venue’s floor and balcony were. The members were in awe as they soaked in the amount of love they were receiving. With some final waves and finger hearts goodbye, the night came to its ultimate close as the members made their way backstage.
EVNNE proved their budding star power to ENNVE with their dazzling performance in New York. Although the EVNNE SHOW[K]ASE TOUR IN AMERICAS ‘RIDE WITH EVNNE,’ has come to a close, you can still catch EVNNE at KCON Germany from September 28-29! NYC ENNVE can’t wait to witness these stars again whenever they make their return.