LUNAFLY, consisting of three members called Yun, Teo and Sam, were revealed through a picture on BEG, Jea’s twitter under the same labelmate with Brown Eyed Girls, which is NEGANETWORK company. LUNAFLY has finally released their first album “Super Hero” at iTunes Worldwide. More details about LUNAFLY members has not been revealed yet. But,Sam participated in MBC’s “Star Audition 2: Birth of a Great Star” auditions in London. Being half British/half Korean, he is a former professional footballer who was forced to stop playing after an injury. He was picked up by Nega Network after failing to get into the finals for “Star Audition 2”.
Thier official twitter account is @officiallunafly. The album “Super Hero” also consists of 2 tracks which is a total of 2 tracks. Both of the tracks are in English, so that international fans could anticipate thier music.
Also, follow thier twitter accounts: Sam: @samcatersc Teo: @sin931207 Yun: @s_yunny.
Thier official facebook page:
Take a listen to thier 2 audio track below:
“Super Hero”:
“You Got Something I Need”
A sneak preview of LUNAFLY has been revealed today on Aus2oneEnt Youtube channel.
An exclusive interview with LUNAFLY will be revealed soon!
Credits: Aus2oneENT Youtube Channel, Aunic904 Youtube Channel